Hoi4 flamethrower tank. You could keep the support arty if you want it's up .
Hoi4 flamethrower tank But making them more expensive makes the game just more ahistoric. Flame tanks and light armoured recon I always make them both light tanks, as much armour as possible for 4kmh with bulldozer blades Completely useless otherwise imo The dozer blades on each give more entrenchment to the infantry you're attaching them to, great for smaller countries without a lot of industry or manpower so you can preserve your The only must haves for any 40W tanks, imo. If you make a very expensive flamethrower tank with a lot of soft attack, but that soft attack is going to be reduced anyway. The Flame Tanks are relatively easy to make, and they will significantly improve the quality of your divisions forever, making them one of the best Jan 10, 2025 · Flamethrower Tank: Engineer Company I (Support Companies Technology) 1: None: Add 1 100% cost reduction to design of Light Flame Tank, Medium Flame Tank, or Heavy Flame Tank Add 2 50% cost reduction to design of Light Flame Tank, Medium Flame Tank, or Heavy Flame Tank Prerequisite for Advanced Flamethrower (Armor Technology) Unlock Flamethrower Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. It means less divisions on field which means one encirclement is more than enough to lose the game. The best tank for a line battalion in a breakthrough division isn't allowed in armored recon or paradrop tank support companies, and thus those have different best tanks. Tanks are way too expensive. The 1938 hull is used The best tank for flamethrower support companies should not be used as a line battalion. If the vanilla tech tree doesn't give an option to build flame thrower tanks, then that will obviously not be possible, because you wouldn't be able to produce them in the first place anyway. It is mainly developed by a small group of modders, but everybody is welcome to contribute to the project as long as they are sticking to the principle of quality. I generally would not bother with light tank divisions beyond super early in WW2, and the amount of resources it would take to make effective light tank divisions before they become basically obsolete makes them not worth it most of the time IMO. So i am not shure what i should use and which template i should use because when i look at a template there are always things that i dont have where i need to wait 4 years or so. But you can go low reliability on support recon and flame tank since it’s use low amount of equipment on that division. net/OrGbvn NEW Heavy Flame Tank METAMain Channel @Feedback You can also specialize tank designs as specific types (tank, self-propelled artillery, tank-destroyer, self-propelled anti-air, flame tank, amphibious tank). 393K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Because armor (and piercing) are a function of the max and the average armor/piercing, you can increase a 15 LT/5 MOT's 12 armor from 12 to 25. You actually have to specifically designate them as flame tanks under the tank role list. Replace at least three SPGs with heavy tank, you don't need that much soft attack, you just need more armor. Depending on your area, th The World of Tanks game is a popular online multiplayer game that has been around since 2010. However, findi If you’re new to the world of gaming, you may have heard about World of Tanks (WOT) and wondered what it’s all about. If you can lower the amount of time it's in a battle (say, by adding flame tanks and increasing attack by 10%,winning battles faster), that will "save" more tanks than the attrition would take. Make it as cheap as possible, just the flame gun, turret, and cheap armor on a light or even interwar chassis. The best general purpose flame tank is the medium one. Army Armor and Cavalry Collection, Fort Moore, in 2023 The thrower had a range of up to 120 yards (110 m), [ 18 ] some sources quote 150 yards (140 m). With so many options available online, it can be overwhelming to navigate through d According to HomeAdvisor, the average reported cost to clean or pump a septic tank is $437 as of 2014. Tank design: Cheap, Fast, Combat Effective - pick any two. Being able to chose something like 60% main battle tanks, 10% SPG, 20% TD, and 10% specialized (flame tanks) instead of all 100% same light tank type. If you go to the production tab in Black Ice there will be an image of a yellow tank in the top right of the tab that says 'Click to view Historical Tank Designs'. Refill Propane tank pressure ranges from about 100 to 200 pounds per square inch. If you're making a full on tank division with hundreds of tanks you want it to be as near to 100% as possible because otherwise you will haemorrhage I would also suggest flame tanks to help mitigate river crossing penalties along the other bonuses it gives, and if you have engineer 3 researched, that gives a +10% river bonus as well. With these newfound beefy tank bois, you should learn to micro and make your own encirclements. A home with a typical sewage system has pipes leading away from the home that One method of purging a propane tank involves bleeding out the shipping air and then filling the tank with propane vapor instead of liquid propane. 28 votes, 13 comments. If you are making light tank AA or SPGs those speeds would need to be at least on par with the rest of your division because those go onto the division template while support flame tanks or recon don't. I can only create variants with armor, engine, gun, reliability upgrades. After a bit of time, replace the motarized with mechanized and add in tank Feb 27, 2022 · Since flame tanks designation provides -70% stats, flame tanks are really not worth investing stats into, however 1 stat is not effected with the -70%, Fuel capacity, so we should invest into fuel capacity !!!!! interwar medium tank chassis: Its the cheapest hull. A propane tank is considered full at 80 percent capacity and should be refilled as soon as possible if it drops to 30 percen If you’re in the market for a propane tank, you may be considering a 500-gallon option. , you don't have enough to make full divisions of them), you can substitute a single light tank battalion with a single medium tank battalion. May 3, 2023 · Tank designer. This flame tank is designed to as cheap as possible, since its stats gets massively reduced (%) being a support flame tank. The newest DLC added a tank designer, similar to the naval designer from Man the Guns. [8] By the mid-1930s, the first combat use of flamethrower tanks took place. Then, you can change the unit type to division support flamethrower tank (or something along those lines) 395K subscribers in the hoi4 community. 44 width because you can’t go above 45 and it still be a good division, superior firepower (right right). A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio Jan 22, 2025 · A tank's weapon is one of its most distinguishing features. However, understanding the costs involved is crucial for budgeting correctly. There are a number of things to consider when choosing the propane tank size you ne Pressurizing a well tank can often be done on your own but requires a few steps and some equipment. In the drop down box I should be able to select a designation, it only displays 4 entries and does not allow scrolling down. I use medium flame tanks as they give the greatest terrain buffs, and rocket artillery is not worth it imo. If the driver continues to According to HowStuffWorks, pouring sand into a gas tank has the potential to clog up the fuel filter in a car, which causes the car to become disabled. However, as Germany, the overall low cost of a flame tank and how few you need, you won't win or lose a war for using a 3 man vs a 1 man, especially if you have a stripped down version like you said. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game… The first combat-ready flamethrower tanks appeared in the early 1930s: KhT-27, KhT-26 and a number of others - in the USSR, CV3 LF - in Italy. To determine the number of gallons in the t A propane tank should be stored outdoors and away from a house or garage. If you make a flamethrower tank without giving it the flame tank ROLE, then the option to use a flame tank support company in the division template designer will not show up. Chain Home is a special project. 74 with a 1 Feb 13, 2024 · About tank brigades theres options for Recon Light tank, Flamethrower Tank and Superheavy Tank. Heavy tanks are still viable in MP. Go over a couple of different designs that you can use for each and how effective they a The flame projector on a Crocodile tank, photographed during trials in April 1944 Churchill Crocodile at the U. As a general rule small divisions should use support artillery/AA/AT companies since these add fixed amounts of stats. Paradoxical logic. It should be kept upright, away from heat and in a dry location. Here’s what you should know. Jun 17, 2022 · What other questions do you all have that you want me to tackle? I want to do more explanation videos for Hoi4, EU4, and Crusader kings as well. Medium flame tank support company will be very beneficial too. Adding anything else won’t boost your division stats, the terrain boosts is all you’ll really get. Infantry will melt to them in sp, because the AI never uses anti tank. Recon and support artillery are solid optionals. The Light Flame Tank Company is the best and most useful Support Company in HOI4. I always been using light tanks as germany but a friend said use heavy tanks and some people said i should use medium. You can downgrade the combat width to 30 or 34 if you want. Flamethrower; 1 man light turret: Its the cheapest turret and it can still mount I skip airforce almost completely as minors now, building and researching stuffs only to unlock helicopter later. In-game "infantry tank designer" is simply a generic term for tank designer bonus which improves soft attack of tanks' designs (in addition to the regular bonus to armor research). So if your division needs a light tank with the "Turtle" designation but you're building a tank-destroyer with the "Turtle" designation, you're not building the right type of tank and Nov 14, 2024 · It can also be used to advance across rivers. Propane tanks At a rate of 20 breathes per minute and depending on tank size and the oxygen needs of the individual, a full portable oxygen tank lasts between 0. 7 gallons of lique When it comes to propane tank installation, there are several factors that can influence the overall cost. Let me share with you my testings. Propane tanks are not picked up by garbage collectors, and improper disposal is illega World of Tanks is an online multiplayer game that has been around since 2010. Make a cheap support medium flamethrower tank as well! That doesn't need anything special, make it cheap. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. only increase the speed of it to match the main battle tanks! Division: Sup engineer, sup arty, sup medium flamethrower tank, sup AA The division is fine at 30 width, so: 5 tank battalion 10 motorized/mechanized/cavarly battalions. Medium tanks are the most cost effective and combat effective in a wider variery of situations compared to heavy tanks. It says that flame tanks, dozer blades, etc. It grants anything from +5 to +20 attack bonus in certain terrain types, but the +20s get increased by an extra 5% per technology level. I always have issues producing enough tanks to fill enough divisions to be effective. This seems to be the case. One important aspect of this maintenance is havin CO2 tanks are used with welding equipment, beer kegs, paintball guns, T-shirt guns and soda streams. I would also drop the mot recon. I roleplay and add machine guns to the tank so my guys have protection if they are swarmed at close range but again roleplay. Build your assault divisions as 7-2, but swap one infantry for a single heavy tank and the artillery for heavy spg. No template currently uses light tanks. The 500-gallon term means the tank has a water capacity of 500 gallons, accordi The optimal size of a propane tank depends upon its intended use. Flamethrower tank support is useless in a tank division, it just cost some org. Feb 2, 2022 · The stats modifiers on a flame tank are proportional to how much smaller the flame tank company is compared to a normal tank battalion. The size of the tank does not influence the pressure that the propane is under. If you take a basic 7/2 and add flame tanks you get a decent inf division that can attack forts and cities. While septic tanks are an effective solution for w Helium tanks are a great way to fill up balloons for parties and other special occasions. Then select on the drop-down menu on the tank designer screen (roles? Can't remember name) and select the Flamethrower support company role, which will then be available once. Making a tank that can project flame is no different than making a tank normally (in practical terms), there is no reason for it to be a special project over a researchable technology. These bonuses will overlap potential disadvantages your division had before getting the Flame Tank and make your squad I have a Slavic Union game going now where I have like 1600 factories, so I decided to yuck it up and make heavy flame tanks in 150 mils. A special case worth mentioning is the *support* flame tanks. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Use maintain company to boost reliability but don’t go above 100%. If you go there you can unlock the tanks you have researched by spending 10 army experience for each tank design. Only thing that matters is that it's fast enough to keep up with the Dec 10, 2021 · It is not enough to make flamethrower tanks to be able to use them. What other q A flame tank support company requires 15 tanks designated as flame tanks, but since you can make them extremely cheap it's not so expensive. . I'm making a new medium tank around speed, noticed the max speed of the division wasn't increasing, and realized that the support flame tanks couldn't keep up so I went to upgrade those to max speed and was wondering since the reliability is only like 48% (and I don't want to add reliability parts to a cheapy) if reliability matters for support I just make sure to have enough artillery to make me hard while also keeping enough organization. Dec 19, 2023 · Light Flame Tank Company. Roughly 42 width division, around half mediums and half motorized or mechanized (depending on how much industry you have), adjust to end up around 30-35 org, supports are arty, engineer, flame tank, logistics, and AA if you need it. 5 hours, accordin If you have an old oil tank on your property that you no longer need, you may be wondering how to safely and cost-effectively remove it. A la Septic tanks are an essential part of any home’s plumbing system, and when it comes time to install one, you may be wondering what the cost will be. ETA: if you won’t have air superiority, swap out a tank or the TD for two mot AA battalions. Fuel tanks come in a variety of sizes, with compact cars genera Well water pressure tanks are connected to water wells and perform several vital functions in water supply systems. are unlocked after researching ENG II, but I can’t find anywhere to design flame tanks? I don’t have No Step Back DLC. Feb 10, 2022 · 1x Heavy Flame Tank. This process is repeated for sev A standard scuba tank weighs between 28 and 34. It's a support company, also you have mark the design in the tank designer as a flamethrower tank. 1. com/ Nov 24, 2024 · Complete Flammpanzer special project, attempt to add a flamethrower turret to a tank design. So in the case of a light flame tank you only require 15 tanks which is 25% the size of a light tank battalion thus you get a -75% modifier for the units stats. S. Jan 22, 2025 · HoI4 Wiki Main Page; Recent changes; Random page; Style guidelines; Wiki support; Paradox links - Wikis Medium Flame Tank Company: Support +10%: Heavy Flame Tank If you're just making flame tanks for flame tank support then reliability doesn't matter too much since it'll still be taking the minimum attrition regardless where you could get away with 30%. I need some military exp to make the tank template, so I can only start building ca. My current tank template uses mediums but Im not building them fast enough to replace, could those light tanks be used to R5: You can no longer paradrop heavy and medium flame tanks so this is now the most powerful paradrop division you can make. 75 hours and 37. Are you playing on a save from the previous/older version of the game No Upload Attachment View attachment GER_1938_02_02_01 Tank Query. You can have only a single tank designer at the time, but most nations have 2-3 different designers to choose from. 409K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Thanks for pointing this out, I kept looking in the division designer for a flamethrower tank Please check your connection, disable any ad blockers, or try using a different browser. Feb 9, 2024 · The No Step Back DLC requirement for flame tanks has been verified by in-game testing and by the HOI4 wiki table armored units. There are several ways to refill CO2 tanks. Then you want to use max level radio, a 3 man turret, a howitzer or the medium cannon (if you wanna go against infantry mainly then the howitzer, if you want it to have decent soft attack and good piercing then the mdium cannon) Then you want to use 2 medium turrets and wet ammo storage. 1937 at the earliest. The volume is equal to pi times the radius squared t If you have a septic tank, you know it’s part of one of the most important systems in your whole home. Dec 4, 2021 · Short tutorial on how to get flame tank companies in HOI4, comment if something is unclear for you and I will try to help out!Music: https://www. The vehicle may not start or it will begin to sputter if it is drivable. You could add also add artillery and AA, this depend where you are fighting and with who. But when you’re done with the tank, it’s important to dispose of it properly. Light tank has high velocity cannon. The games basic tank templates are trash and should never be used. Mar 2, 2022 · This page was last edited on 2 March 2022, at 07:44. hoi4 Hi! I am playing with the new No Step Back DLC and I want to try to add flam tank companies to my tank divisions. A 500-gallon propane tank is a popular choice for homeowners who rely on propane for heating To check the gas level in your propane tank, take a cup of steaming water and pour it over the side of your tank. You must select it as flamethrower tank role for it to show up in division template designer. Like you can pick tank destroyer, self propelled etc. You don’t want to lose tank to attrition since tank is expensive. The pricing ranges from a minimum of $200 to a maximum of $800. If speed isn't a concern, flame tanks would also be better value than arty for attack. Every infantry division has 25 armor and the rest of the world has no answer to that, on top of the armor. This is why 20 pound tanks are sometimes also referred to as 5 gallon tanks. The Engineer tech gives you the flamethrower, not the tank. Technically if you are min-maxing units you could put stuff on the tank but the reason you add the tank is the terrain buffs not the tank itself. Here are som If you’re looking to set up an aquatic paradise at home, finding the right fish tank is crucial. Choosing a role other than tank drastically reduces the breakthrough of the battalion. Is there no option to make flame tanks in the vanilla game? tank template: about 6 tanks and motorized or mechanized in late game, stay around 30 org balancing this value with . I'm trying to make a flame tank as the USA, but the option to make it a flame support company is blocked by tank destroyer, artillery and anti air options. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by… Apr 6, 2022 · Going over the usefulness of recon tanks first and then flame tanks. Recon is a lot less useful on the offensive which tanks should be doing. So generally making your tank better will be wasted ressources. NOW WE COMBINE ALL THAT AND PRODUCE AROUND 2K BREAKTHROUGH. 0 unless otherwise noted. The flamethrower is the main weapon (although this raises a very big question for me - why the flamethrower cannot be an additional weapon: Churchill Crocodile, KV-8, OT-34, Sherman Zippo, they all kept their main gun). 9/6 for 30 width lose the least amount of ic compared to other combat widths you are likely to use. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by… Engineers 2. you can then designate the new design for various roles depending on what modules you put on it (gun type, turret type, etc) only then can you add the battalions or support companies that You can always find my most updated templates and designs at this link: https://www. Jan 10, 2025 · Flamethrower Tank: Engineer Company I (Support Companies Technology) 1: None: Add 1 100% cost reduction to design of Light Flame Tank, Medium Flame Tank, or Heavy Flame Tank Add 2 50% cost reduction to design of Light Flame Tank, Medium Flame Tank, or Heavy Flame Tank Prerequisite for Advanced Flamethrower (Armor Technology) Unlock Flamethrower Aug 1, 2020 · It can also be used to advance across rivers. With NSB it gives tanks much more customization, (if and when you get NSB) you would research a tank chassis (I go for medium mostly) slap a flamethrower in the gun slot maybe some armor plates/slopped, few points in engine and armor (like 2 and 4 minimum just get it to 4mph for infantry) then and this is an important step Iv missed many times, you have to change the tank type from medium (or Feb 26, 2022 · Cannot designate a tank as a Flame tank Game Version Enabled DLC Do you have mods enabled? No Description While I can design a tank with a Flamethrower, I cannot designate it as a Flame tank. Next, feel the tank from top to bottom, and look for the point whe Helium tanks are often used to fill balloons for special occasions, but when the party is over, it’s important to know how to safely dispose of the tank. Recon for speed (the recon stat itself sucks). The outside temperature a To find the gallons of fluid that a tank can hold, first find the volume of the tank. Before the start of World War II b more than 1,300 flamethrower tanks of various types were produced by Soviet industry. tank design: medium tank speed about 8km/h, reliability about 100% or less if you are using maintenance support company. Flame tank has really good terrain bonuses, especially in forest, jungle, urban, and against forts. Dec 2, 2023 · They only show up in the support companies tab, if you've at least one flamethrower tank template ready to be produced. View attachment 1083295 Millennium Dawn is a mod for Hearts of Iron IV that aims to change the originally World War 2 setting to be one of the Modern Era. I use 11-9-1 (tank-mot-TD), with eng, AA, maint, log, and flame supports. For example, mounting an anti-air gun will prevent the tank design from being used as a "tank". Mediums are ideal but personally I mainly use light flame tanks to make use of old chassis I have in storage. r/hoi4. Recon and arty also viable supports, but I prefer those 5 for mediums. Medium Flame Tank (1939) The flame tank is unlocked by researching the Engineers II technology. Large divisions benefit from moving these to the line and using SCs that add % boosts instead. At the very least, the gas tank and fuel filter need to be cleaned when When it comes to storing water, there are several options available in the market. Whether you’re considering installing a propane tank for your home or bus Rainwater harvesting has become an increasingly popular method for collecting and utilizing water. So for a flame tank you have to use the flame tank cannon which gives basically no stats the support company also reduces armor and breakthrough by 70 percent. Welcome to the Eldar Subreddit, the premier place on Reddit to discuss Eldar, Dark Eldar and Harlequins for Warhammer 40,000! Feel free to share your army lists, strategies, pictures, fluff and fan-fic, or ask questions or for the assistance of your fellow Eldar! Is there a way to have old tanks of different size replace newer tanks if there aren't enough until it can be switched for the latest tank? Say I have 6000 light tanks in storage. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game… Everyone here is missing a big part of the reason flame tank support companies are currently very strong: they give a flat percentage of their armor to the whole division, and you can make them on heavy tank chassis. It holds 4. Honestly creating a tank which can't be pierced by enemy tank divisions requires a huge investment. I don't think this HAS to be a Heavy Tank, but it can be cheaper for Canada to produce so I used it in this example. When looki Fuel management is an essential aspect of running a successful farm, and having the right storage tanks can make all the difference. STOP Games on a budget! 💰 Upto 50% off your fav PDX games 🖥️ https://paradoxinteractive. I researched engineer company 2s… Most of the stats of tanks in support company get added with a big malus. when you start to convert your daily production will SKYROCKET and after you convert all you will still be able to produce ATLEAST 20 30 TANKS a day with only 50 mills. You could keep the support arty if you want it's up As you're producing medium tanks at first (i. 4 pounds. i38e. WOT is a massively multiplayer online game that simulates tank Water storage tanks are the perfect solution for those looking to save some money on their water bills. Medium 1939 flame tank is the most efficient I believe. Basically the title. Flame tanks are bugged to the point they’re literally impossible to use unless you swap them out for all other tanks of the same size. First of all, the Flame Tank will give your division Attack bonuses in almost all the terrain types in the game. ; About Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki; Mobile view This subreddit is for the discussion of competitive play, national, regional and local meta, news and events surrounding the competitive scene, and for workshopping lists and tactics in the various games that fall under the Warhammer catalogue. You'll need Engineering II for the flame thrower mount and any tank chassis. Can I build the cheapest Medium Flame Tank for support company or does it have to have 8. Comparing just the stats a flamethrower costs more but does worse than even a heavy machine gun, the worst tank gun in the game. The recon light tank will utilize any light tank you have, you need just research recon companies and light tank (im not sure if need both or only recon company) and boost terrain movement speed aside recon itself. Before storage, it should be inspected to When it comes to storing water for various purposes, such as gardening, farming, or emergency preparedness, having a reliable and affordable water tank is essential. 388K subscribers in the hoi4 community. The flamethrower you then put on a tank design and then you designate it as a flame tank. All wate Old propane tanks can be exchanged for new ones, disposed of at a municipal waste center or can be taken to a local hazardous waste disposal center that allows them. 0 km/h to not slow down my fast Medium Tank Division? Is it generally worth investing in anything other than the Flamethrower for Support Medium Flame Tank? Feb 16, 2025 · A rocket-interceptor is a special project. Because you want to create tanks which can't be pierced by enemy infantry NOT to make enemy tanks not pierce you. If you manage to save a design as a flame tank you can then put it into production but cannot be put in a division template as the flame tank support company has disappeared . Due to the heavy stat penalties of a flame tank designated design, it's not necessary to build one with good stats (or with high reliability). Hope I explained that well enough You should replace motorized artillery with mechanized infantry for more organisation, keep in mind that you should always be over 30 org. The size of a propane tank that holds 30 pounds of propane is a 7-gallon Propane tanks come in a variety of sizes, ranging from 20-gallon to a 250-gallon tank or larger. Flame tanks give terrain attack bonuses, almost across the board (the same way engineers give attack bonuses into forts). One essential component of a rainwater harvesting system is a filter for the rain Goldfish Connection indicates that goldfish sit at the bottom of an aquarium because of high or low levels of certain chemicals, such as ammonia or nitrates, in the water. Medium tanks, howitzer main gun, focus on breakthrough and soft attack. A The effects of putting syrup in the gas tank of a car depend on how far the syrup gets into the fuel system. Not only can you use it for your household, it can be used for animals, gard When antifreeze is poured into the gas tank, it can cause damage to the vehicle. Reply reply RackoDacko Jan 2, 2024 · The Flame Tank in HOI4 is a Support Company that you can add to your divisions to get various attack bonuses in most terrain types and also add a bit of extra armor, defense, and breakthrough. Nov 11, 2023 · Now our last tank at the production should be outdated. Nov 30, 2021 · So after setting it to have a fire turret, we have to set it yet again as a flame thrower tank, because it wasnt obvious enough with a turret that shoots fire, otherwise we cant use them as flamethrower tanks. Then go into the tank designer, select flamethrower as the main armament. Then, convert the volume of the tank into gallons. When you open the production menu, click the button next to your new tank hull you want to use to select your modules. TLDR: No NSB is no flame tank. What the takeaway here is: Use what you've got available, light, medium, or heavy - the Flame Tank is what you're looking for. I would also ditch the support arty, add a logistics company for supply savings, and a motor recon company for the extra speed on a lot of terrains. You will need a tire gauge and an air compressor or a manual bike pump. com/playlist?list=PLY4d0TUsYg8KCFGQl9nYPjFnXN0N5ERzeUSEFUL LINKS- The Medium Flame Tank support company is said to have pretty good terrain buffs. It’s a free-to-play game, which means anyone can jump in and start playing without spe There are 5 gallons in a 20 pound propane tank. However, poly water tanks stand out as a popular choice due to their numerous advantages over oth Septic tanks are a great way to manage wastewater and sewage in rural areas where there is no access to a municipal sewer system. The best tank for nations with different production capabilities will change. Hoi4 How does equipment con So I’d say, short term, you could reduce the amounts of heavy tanks and add some motarized anti-air, and motarized arty, then replace the support arty with a heavy flame tank support. A really fast and cheap flame tank can add a little bit of armor and a good amount of terrain bonus, especially for attacking forts. The flame tanks are located at the bottom of the table. It is a free-to-play tank simulation game that allows players to take part in intense battles against A large D-size portable oxygen tank lasts five hours at full capacity with a flow rate of 1 liter per minute. The good news is that there are options ava In order to calculate the gallons in a round tank, the radius and the height of the tank’s interior should be measured in feet. A low pH If a car’s gas tank is vandalized by someone adding water, salt or sugar to it, the engine may sputter, hesitate, knock or lose power. That being said, mobile warfare doctrine has a few tank organization buffs, allowing more tanks. 73 votes, 10 comments. Steel scuba tanks weigh less than a If you’re an avid homebrewer, a paintball enthusiast, or someone who uses CO2 for various purposes, you know how important it is to have a reliable source for refilling your CO2 ta The best way to dispose of unused propane tank is by calling a propane company to pick it up. You wanna use the basic medium tank chassis, there isnt any reason to go beyond that. In addition to providing most, if not all, of the firepower of the vehicle, the main gun also determines which roles the design can fill. youtube. Other than that, there are only minor differences in the base stats depending on the chosen role. When it comes to farm fuel storage, there are s A 500-gallon propane tank is a steel storage tank that holds liquid propane gas for residential use. We all have fuel tanks in our cars, but most of us don’t really pay attention to them, unless they’re empty that is. You need the tank designer to get flame tanks. But seriously, what I've been doing is just taking whatever my last generation tank is and converting them into flame tanks as my new models come off the line and reinforce my tank divisions. 6 gallons of propane. Supp art is very efficient soft attack, but tanks should already have plenty of that. It is usually land facility first, you get flame tank then military engineering vehicle (to unlock Assault Engineer). Given it's going with the (relatively) low cost mot, and that spot is better filled by almost any support company, besides engineers or Anti-tank. Make the flame tank as cheap as possible, you only want it for the passive bonuses. The weight depends on the size of the tank and whether it is made of steel or aluminum. Full capacity for this size tank is 2,000 pounds per square inch. They are an potentially excellent source of budget armor even with 50% armor penalty they are getting plus the bonuses you are getting in some terrains and against fortifications can be quite beneficial in some scenarios. When you to the tank designer for the basic medium hull, one of the main armaments you can choose is a flamethrower. A 20 pound tank of propane is typically used for gas gr Portable propane tanks come in a variety of sizes ranging from 4 to 100 pounds. Also, for the record, mine clearing and flamethrower tanks (in addition to regular mines and flamethrowers not included in HoI4) were a whole lot more common than coups, boosting party popularity, and sending volunteers to fight for an ideology other than your own. You should strive for quality over quantity when it comes to tank divs, and make them beefy as hell, 30-40 width. Tanks for home heating and cooking are generally 250 to 1000 gallons, whereas tanks for grills normally hold appro A 100-pound propane tank holds 23. I do wish there was more to it though, instead of well I have 17 engine and still over 100% reliability on a 2 cost tank, guess I'll pick on the icon When I start building tanks, especially medium or heavy tanks, usually I can only assign about 10 to 20 Military factories. Armored recon aka light tank recon need around 58% and flame tank around 33%. Manhattan is a special project. Just as comparison: Russia fielded around 26,000 Tanks in its peak (despite also losing many tanks in battle AND having huge problems because of the lost industry in the west). Septic tanks come in two main t If you’re a homeowner with a septic system, you know that regular maintenance is crucial to keep your system functioning properly. The 20-pound tank is the size most often used for gas barbecue grills. Dec 10, 2021 · It is not enough to make flamethrower tanks to be able to use them. Medical oxygen tanks may be filled at home using an oxygen tank fill system or delivered pre-filled by an oxygen therapy supply company. Heavies have a couple better buffs, but are mostly worse and more expensive, and harder to keep speed equivalent to medium tank divs (current meta attackers), and you need to research heavies if you don’t start with them. Upgrade Possibilities: Medium flame tanks and light tanks as support companies will boost stats greatly, so add them if you can afford. You have about 35% hardness and around 120 breakthrough with better soft attack than 7-2. For flame tanks you would really just smack a 1 man turret on them and that's all because you aren't using them for their breakthrough or other Feb 5, 2022 · The flame thrower tank support company is in my opinion the best unit in therms of efficiency. I usually make the template 40 width. We click on the " convert tank" and put our new design now. I would prefer it, if they nerf the strength of tanks. Invest it as a late-game tank template when you can afford. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by… Dec 2, 2022 · You don't own NSB, so you don't have tank modules. e. However, the amount of sand Shark Tank, ABC’s wildly popular, Emmy-winning reality show works off a simple concept; an enterprising inventor or small-business owner pitches their next million-dollar idea to a Renting a helium tank can be a great solution for parties, events, and balloon decorations. For Flame Tanks, all combat stats get reduced, which means you can add on Dozer Blade and Fuel Drums. Boom. Here’s what you need to know about well water pressure tanks. An equal ratio of factories on the tanks is close to what you need, just add the heavy tank factory first since you need a few more. Oxygen therapy is an FDA-regulated medical The full weight of a 30-pound propane tank is approximately 55 pounds, when the tank is completely filled. The other bonuses are very good too, but throwing 15 slow heavy tanks on a division to give it 50+ armor is crazy. As much as I'd love to see an 'ultralight armour' option built around modifiable half-tracks, which would fit a lot closer to what you're looking for there, be a better option for smaller/less industrialised countries, and has countless historical examples to use as examples. Jan 22, 2025 · For example, mounting an anti-air gun will prevent the tank design from being used as a "tank". Water may also cause the exhaust to be tinged. Maintenance is a should-have if you’re rolling with mechanized, or if your tanks lack reliability upgrades. It doesn't let me scroll down to make it a flame tank. If you expect to be fighting in a lot of none plains terrains then drop them down to 28 width and give them some flame tanks (you don't need flame tanks if you are only fighting in plains/desert). Reply reply Planchon12 Is heavy flame tank support still good to use? I think mediums are the preferred choice atm. 398K subscribers in the hoi4 community. mouvb nxlrh yma pyvlc iudaaxc cokgi gghtqj uqvai lridtv djkxd jrdv mfexq wvgjt ezxidcfv bezeuk